Katelin Cwieka
Marketing Specialist
Avidia Bank

Katelin Cwieka has worked at Avidia Bank as the Marketing Specialist since April 2015. She manages their social media presence, online reputation management and video marketing. In addition, Katelin leads the brand ambassador team at Avidia Bank, known as the #AvidiaSmarties. She is very passionate about marketing in the digital space.

Katelin has been featured on MarTech Advisor, Bank On Social Month, ABA Bank Marketing, Banking Exchange, The Merchant Advisor, Merchant Review, Merchant Account Services and the #BankSocial Blog as an Expert Insider. She’s been a speaker with the American Marketing Association, Hootsuite, and at the 2016 ABA Bank Marketing Conference and Innovation Women, providing insight into SEO, social media marketing and reputation management. She believes that if you’re not managing your reputation online, someone else is!

Previous to entering the banking world, Katelin worked at a web design and marketing agency as their Content Marketing Strategist and Social Media Manager. When Katelin isn’t working, you’ll find her on the ski slopes in the winter and paddle boarding in the summer. She volunteers in her community with a variety of organizations including the Community Harvest Project and Leadership MetroWest. Connect with her on Twitter @BankSmartKate.

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