What Is The Current Registration Price And What Does My Registration Include?



Next Case Study Session Starts:


See Individual Item Pricing And Breakdown Below:



The general conference occurs on Tuesday, April 4th & Wednesday, April 5th . These two days of action packed sessions with some of the industry’s most renowned speakers and experts will inspire you to take charge and bring social media best practices to implement at your bank and credit union. This is the perfect opportunity to network and meet with the biggest industry leaders. Walk away with every tool necessary to effectively resolve any content marketing challenge your bank or credit union currently faces.

General conference includes a variety of keynote presentations, Case Study Workshops and Expert labs. This general admission grants you access to the main conference on Tuesday & Wednesday as well as networking events on those evenings. In addition to standard conference access, you will also receive post-conference access to professional video footage of all conference sessions included in your General Admission VIA our On-Demand Online Conferencing software.

Super Early Bird Price**
June 1st, 2016
Early Bird Price*
September 16th, 2016
Super Advanced Purchase Price
January 11th, 2017
Advanced Purchase Price
April March 1st, 2017
April 3rd, 2017

*Early Bird Pricing includes complimentary access to One EXLab.

**Super Early Bird Pricing includes complimentary access to One Workshop and One EXLab.
Tickets for events may be purchased online with a visa or mastercard. Click here for the secure payment page.


#BankSocial 2017 will mark the introduction of Expertise Labs. These EXLabs take place on Thursday, April 6th. Ian Cleary and Lee Odden are two of the many social media experts that will not only highlight the most important aspects of social media to implement in your business but will go through a list of practical tools and tactics that you can immediately implement in your social media strategy. These experts wrote the book on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram strategies – and they’ll be specifically focusing on the retail banking industry at #BankSocial 2017!

You can expect deep dive EXLabs on LinkedIn Profitability, SEO & Analytics, Instagram & Visuals, and Influencer Marketing. (EXLab Admission includes post-conference access to professional video footage of your registered EXLab session(s) VIA our On-Demand Online Conferencing software)

Expertise Labs
April 3rd, 2017
$495.00 each


Jill Castilla, Ann Chen, Joe Nesbitt, and Bryan Fonville are just a tiny sampling of banking leaders that conducted workshops at #BankSocial 2016. #BankSocial is connecting retail banking brands from across the United States to share empirical examples of social media in banking today rather than abstract conversations. These banks and credit unions have proven measurable social media success. These unique Case Study Workshops will take on place on Monday, April 3d. 

You can expect thorough and effective exhibitions by bank and credit union CEOs, along with their marketing teams, on the successful targeting of Millennials using social media. (CSWorkshop Admission includes post-conference access to professional video footage of your registered workshop(s) VIA our On-Demand Online Conferencing software.) 

Case Study Workshops
April 3rd, 2017
$395.00 each

Bank Social Media Vendor Exclusive offer. See many of our vendors like in our exhibit hall. Many of our vendors offer services related to the banking industry such as Bankcard Services, Loan Processors, Chargeback Protection, High Risk Merchants, Debt Collection, Credit Card Merchant Account Services, Mortgage Lending and so much more. Visit our exhibit hall and learn more about the products and services they offer.